Make the right treatment plan for your patients

When it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of stroke, "time is brain". The faster the clinician can detect areas of disrupted blood flow, and determine the optimal treatment pathway, the better the patients' chances are for survival, recovery, and ultimately, retaining their quality of life.

By harnessing the power of our leading-edge AI technologies, stroke applications help you swiftly analyze and categorize brain images, so you can detect the signs of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in minutes.

Now, with just one solution, you’ll have uncompromised access to information you need to provide the life-saving treatment your patients require.

Streamlined workflow with Automation Platform

Harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to improve patient care

Automation Platform streamlines workflows by automatically post-processing images directly from the scanner or exported indirectly from a PACS/VNA. Results are then automatically exported in a format that is ready for interpretation by the care team.
These are immediately sent out to the relevant care team, helping physicians make the right choice at the right time for their patients.
Insights Results, including images, are also simultaneously routed to PACS for clinical diagnostic review and sent as a notification to the care team, alerting them that a case is pending review.
  • 1 Collect clinically relevant patient data from multiple modalities, PACS and repositories with zero-click.
  • 2 Categorize parse incoming DICOM data and send to the relevant AI/non-AI clinical algorithms.
  • 3 Analyze* automatically with validated, accurate clinical solutions.
  • 4 Deliver actionable summary results plus alerts to potentially urgent conditions.

* Automation Platform can utilize both AI and non-AI solutions

Insights Results for Stroke CT / MR

Easy information sharing across the care team

Insights Results is an automatic result module hosted by Automation Platform. It collects and displays all the results for one study, generated by all the individual post-processing applications. It enables sharing of qualitative and quantitative DICOM-compliant reports with relevant care teams.
  • Concise summary of analysis results
  • Can be viewed on PCs and smartphones in PDF format
  • Highlights alerts from applications

  • Informational purpose only, not for diagnostic use.

Mobile App for Stroke CT / MR

Engage Teams Anywhere, Anytime

The Mobile app*1 provides automated real-time alerts and notification in an easy to use application. Cases can be easily viewed from any location.
  • Quickly receive information for the most urgent cases
  • Interactively view images and results from anywhere
  • One mobile application supports multiple AI applications
  • Simple, easy to use interface

*1: Not for diagnostic use. The current version can be used for one user. No PHI is transmitted. Secure connection is the responsibility of the end user’s organization.

Leveraging Additional Layers of Intelligence

“The greatest impact of the Automation Platform for the team is seen during night-time, due to the quick availability of the images.”

Stijn Bollen, Radiologist, the Groene Hart Ziekenhuis (GHZ), Gouda, the Netherlands.

Read more

Exploring the Potential of AI for Clinical Practice

“We anticipate a faster and improved workflow in acute stroke imaging with the Automation Platform, as well as support for the radiologist in making the correct diagnosis and to aid the clinicians in treatment decision-making.”

Dr. Anton Meijer, Neuroradiologist, Radboudumc.

Read more this interview

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