CT Cardiac Functional Analysis

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CT Cardiac Functional Analysis (CFA)* utilizes CT images of the heart to assistcardiologists and radiologists in assessing cardiac function for the left ventricle. Clinicians are able to view the cardiac phases dynamically and review the calculated results.

Key Benefits

  • Automatic calculation of regional metrics, including: wall motion; percentage of wall thickening, regional ejection fraction; and polar maps with live 3D beating heart visualization
  • Automatic segmentation of the heart, left ventricle and myocardium in multiple phases
  • Automatic calculation of global metrics, including: end diastolic volume, end systolic volume, stroke volume, ejection fraction, cardiac output, cardiac index, stroke index and myocardial mass
  • Short-axis, long-axis and four chamber views of the heart
  • Key findings classification for consolidated reporting of all cardiac workflows

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*CT Cardiac Functional Analysis is a Vitrea Advanced Visualization application manufactured by Canon Medical Informatics, Inc.
Always refer to the Instructions For Use supplied with the product for complete instructions, indications and cautions