MR Neuro Packages


Vitrea software is a multi-modality advanced visualization system providing comprehensive applications in a variety of IT environments. Expert stroke post-processing options, parameters, maps and metrics incorporated into a fully automated workflow saves time. State of the art applications provide users with the latest tools and applications for neuro imaging.

MR Basic Stroke

The Basic Stroke application is integrated into Vitrea Advanced Visualization and provides radiologists with direct access to expert stroke reports in any degree of emergency.

  • Provides access to the full set of post-processing options, parameters, maps and metrics from anywhere at anytime
  • Fully automated workflow saves time in patients presenting with a stroke

MR Neuro

The Neuro application is integrated into Vitrea Advanced Visualization and provides dedicated brain tumor and expanded stroke protocols which provide quick assessment of brain disorders.

  • Computes optimized parametric maps (rBV, rBF, TTP, MTT, TMAX, tMIP) from raw perfusion series
  • Uses an automated and customizable workflow
  • Includes fully automated step-by-step processing for patients suffering from brain tumors, including quantitative and qualitative multiparametric analysis
  • Provides rBV correction of contrast leakage and K2 map creation
  • Offers one specific application:
    • Brain Tumor DSC DCE Expanded Application

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MR Neuro ASL

The Neuro Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) application is integrated into Vitrea Advanced Visualization and provides non-invasive imaging to efficiently measure perfusion.

  • ASL quantitative measurement of cerebral blood flow without administration of contrast material and without radiation is a key component in pediatric imaging
  • Holds an advantage over contrast agent-based methods for patients with contraindication for contrast agent injections
  • Allows loading repeated label and control images and performs 2D motion correction for realignment of repeated label and control pairs
  • Uses spatial smoothing of images to increase signal-to-noise ratio
  • Includes ASL blood flow quantification with Mo