
NeuroQTM is a separately licensable application and is now integrated into Vitrea Advanced Visualization. NeuroQ is used to assess neurodegenerative processes and underlying symptoms of cognitive and movement disorders by comparing regional activity values to each other and to those in brain scans acquired for asymptomatic control subjects.

Key Benefits

  • Increased clinical confidence with qualitative results support or augment visual only reads.
  • 240 standardized regions of interest (sROIs), defined from multiple sources (PET, MRI and the Tailarach/ Tourneux cross-sectional atlas) combine to form 47 anatomically significant clusters (standardized volumes of interest) which precludes users from having to manually define ROIs/VOIs.
  • Normalization can be changed in real time to Whole Brain, Pons, Cerebellum, Sensorimotor Cortex or Thalamus for both Hyper and Hypo metabolism which allows for evaluation of the various types of dementia.
  • Two-Dimensional color scale identifies not only hypo/hyper metabolic region but also severity.
  • NeuroQ was validated in 112 patients whose course of dementia (progressive vs non-progressive) was established by longitudinal follow-up; in this group sensitivity and specificity were equal or higher than expert interpretation. The other normal databases (SPECT and Amyloid) all went through a similar validation process.

Vitrea Advanced Visualization is owned and manufactured by Canon Medical Informatics, Inc.
NeuroQTM is a trademark of Syntermed, Inc.
NeuroQ is manufactured by Syntermed, Inc and may not be available in all countries.