Assisting World Class Cardiology for Decades

With nearly 40 years of experience in Congenital Cardiology, Prof. Hijazi has pioneered several ground-breaking Interventional procedures in this field. He is one of the world’s leading experts in the nonsurgical repair of congenital and structural heart defects in children and adults and the development of novel transcatheter devices. He has published more than 360 papers and nine books. He also runs many clinical trials related to novel technologies.

Professor Hijazi describes how Canon Medical and Toshiba Medical Systems before that, have provided exceptional performance for over 20 years, most recently through the Canon Alphenix Interventional Cardiology System.
Professor Ziyad M. Hijazi is Chief Medical Officer and Chair of the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases at Sidra Medicine, a women’s and children’s hospital in Doha, Qatar. Prof. Hijazi is also the Chief of International Patient Services at hospital as well as a Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA.

Support for pioneering breakthroughs

Professor Hijazi’s history with Canon stretches back many years to the Year 2000, when he was at the University of Chicago in Chicago, USA. By this time, Prof. Hijazi had already pioneered several ‘world firsts’ in Cardiac Interventional Cardiology. In 1993, he performed the first multiple coil closure of patient ductus arteriosus (PDA). In 1997, he was the first in the USA to use the Amplatzer device to close atrial septal defects (ASDs) and in 2000, he first outlined how intra-cardiac echocardiology can be used to assist in guiding transcatheter closure of ASDs and patent formen ovale (PFO in children and adults).

“I moved to Chicago from Boston, where there was a Infinix-i system from Toshiba Medical Systems, which is now Canon Medical Systems. I liked this system very much, so, I wanted the same one for the new lab at the University of Chicago,” he said. “We installed a Infinix-i, and I used it for several years. It was great in terms of the mobility of the Cath Lab, the image quality, and the radiation dose.”

Within this time, Prof. Hijazi became the first in the USA to perform percutaneous valve implantation for patients with defective pulmonary valves, using the Edwards SAPIEN valve (2005). He was also the first in the country, to perform periventricular pulmonary valves implantation without cardiopulmonary bypass (2008).

Exceptional visibility

In 2007, Prof. Hijazi moved to Rush University in Chicago. At that time, the Institution had another Interventional system, which was not from Toshiba Medical.

“It was a great machine, but I was not happy with the features of the lab itself,” remarked Prof. Hijazi. “For example, I was not able to raise the lateral camera up and down without touching the table. This is a very important consideration for me because I am tall, and sometimes some of the other operators are not. I don't want to keep bracing the table up and down, I want to raise the lateral camera. That was a first priority. Secondly, moving the frontal camera from one angle to the other is also very important. For example, you need capability to move the frontal camera to work on the groin or the legs. The movement of other machines was not as simple and easy as the Infinix-i. So, when the time came for the University to buy a second machine, I requested the one from Toshiba Medical. We installed a Infinix-i lab, and I was very happy with it for many years. It was the first hybrid lab in the City of Chicago.”

Better in many clinical scenarios

Prof. Hijazi moved from Chicago to Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar in 2014. Prof. Hijazi opted to install the Canon Interventional Cardiology system – the Alphenix in the hospital’s Heart Center, which was established under his guidance.

“When I came here, they had installed different systems, but the features of the lab were not the ones that I am used to, specifically the radiation dose,” he said. “We are dealing with children, so, radiation dose is extremely important for us. And I was not happy with the lack of movement in the lateral camera on the previous system. When it came time to invest in a new lab, we acquired a Canon Alphenix, which we are very happy with, particularly the image quality, the resolution, radiation dose and lateral camera mobility.”

“There are many clinical scenarios in which we believe the Alphenix has an edge over other systems,” he continued. “Within the context of the children, my goal is to image the child's heart with the least amount of radiation dose possible. We conducted our own study to compare radiation between systems and we found that the Alphenix works with the lowest dose possible. Secondly, the system’s 3D Angiography is fantastic. It allows us to perform 3D Angiography and reconstruction in a few seconds. This allows our decisions to be made in a few minutes and we don't have to wait for reconstruction. The Alphenix is also a more user-friendly system that anybody can learn to use.”

Significant ergonomic advantages

The physical versatility of the Alphenix supports optimal ergonomics for specialist, support staff and patients.
Sidra Medical and Research Center
“The location of the system, where I stand with the patient, and where the monitors are for viewing is very important to me. With the Alphenix, I can flip the machine 180° and this allows me to work from the left side of the patient, and in front of me. The frontal camera can be moved to enable work all the way to the groin and legs. This is not possible with other machines. The lateral camera moves up and down. And to my knowledge, the Alphenix is the only machine in the industry to offer this possibility. As well as this, the screen is visible without having to turn because the machines don't move, or the monitors are fixed on one side. With the Alphenix system, you can move the monitors and that's a big plus for us. In addition, you can perform multiple measurements without having to exit the system.”

“The table is sturdy. About a year ago, I catheterized a patient who was 160 kilograms in weight and we performed the procedure without any problem,” he added. “The Alphenix’s feature features are combined in a system that is versatile, user friendly, and simple to use.”

Service and support

Prof. Hijazi also considers service as a key feature in the effectiveness of the Alphenix system.

“Service from the engineers and communication from the system provider is incredibly important. My relationship with Canon Medical Systems is very good. We are always informed about what's coming up and what's new.
“Over the last 30+ years, I have used every system available, and have found Canon Medical System's advanced, versatile and user friendly,” he concluded. “Many Cath Lab directors in the region and outside call me and ask what to buy. I tell them that it is vital to visit other Cath Labs and experience the system features themselves. However, I also tell them that they should certainly consider Canon’s Alphenix, because it has the lowest radiation, most robust table, and is the only system that has the up and down lateral camera movement. We've been so happy with the Canon system that our second Cath Lab is being installed as we speak!” //