*1Canon Medical Systems Corporation
*2Canon Medical Research USA
Figure 1 The structure of a basic neuron. A neuron will adjust the weighting factors (w) of its associated feature as it learns. The activation function (sigma) gauges the strength of the neuron response.
Figure 3 Phantom images demonstrating noise reduction with the Spectral Reconstruction (A: Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D (AIDR 3D), SD=12.03; B: Spectral Imaging 70 keV VMI, SD=8.25; 10 mGy)
Figure 4 Virtual Monochromatic Image at 70 keV at the level of the hepatic vein.
Figure 5 Virtual Monochromatic Image at 70 keV at the level of the hepatic vein.
Figure 7 Virtual monochromatic image. The ROI is placed in the liver (A) and the curve for the liver tissue is displayed (B).
Figure 8 Iodine map of the upper abdomen with color fusion. (A) Iodine uptake of the liver in color can be evaluated. (B) The Virtual Non- Contrast image shows some calcifications in a splenic artery segment.
Figure 9 3D and MPR images of the foot demonstrate some tophi (green) indicating MSU associated with gout.
Figure 10 Bone map of the right wrist showing a fracture of the distal radius. (A) Spectral VMI, (B) Virtual Non-Calcium (VNCa) image. There is increased density of the distal radius bone marrow which may indicate a small trauma, associated bleed or edema.
Figure 11 (A) An axial 70 keV VMI image of liver with a ROI in the right lobe. (B) The Eff. Z in the ROI is 8.19. (C) The effective Z histogram indicates Eff.Z of liver tissue relative to water. Water Eff. Z is approximately 7.4 and is indicated by the blue vertical bar. Up to five different materials with known Eff.Z can be preloaded in the Eff.Z histogram thereby providing a new comparative method for ROI analysis of tissue.
Figure 12 A Spectral Scan on a patient with multiple kidney stones. Each stone is segmented. The results show that both stones are Calcium Oxalate.
Figure 13 (A) An axial 70 keV VMI image of liver with a ROI in the right lobe. (B) The electron density in the ROI is 3.59. (C) The electron density histogram shows the electron density of liver tissue relative to water. Water electron density is approximately 3.34 and is indicated by the orange vertical bar. Up to five different materials with known electron density can be preloaded in the electron density histogram thereby providing a new comparative method for ROI analysis of tissue.
* The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined here as technology using Deep Learning methods.