flexibility and

Unparalleled Access and Coverage.

Infinix-i Core +

The Infinix-i C-arm is designed to move around you and your patient so procedures can be performed more comfortably, safely and efficiently.

  • Achieve optimal angulations with unprecedented head-to-toe and fingertip-to-fingertip coverage
  • Continuously maintains a heads-up display during compound angles with synchronized rotating collimator and FPDs
  • Access Halo ensures unobstructed head-end work space to improve patient access for staff and ancillary equipment

5 Axis Positioner

Head-to-toe and fingertip-to-fingertip coverage allow you to move the C- arm and not the patient

Head-to-Toe Video Fingertip-to-Fingertip Video

Unparalleled Access and Coverage

  • Unobstructed head-end work space for better access to the patient and ancillary equipment
  • Aids in clinical communication and workflow
  • Access Halo ensures unobstructed head-end work space to improve patient access for staff and ancillary equipment

Infinix-i Benefits Complex Angulations Video

Clinical Gallery

Cardiac Pediatric

Taking advantage of the unparalleled access of the Infinix™-i system, complex views for interventional work are easily attainable.

Direct Patient Access

  • Unobstructed head-end work space for better access to the patient and ancillary equipment
  • Aids in clinical communication and workflow
  • All Infinix-i systems offer the Access Halo enabling better efficiency and safety

Direct Patient Access Video

Detector Size Choices

Three different FPD sizes are available depending on coverage needed.


Clinical Segments

Canon Medical Systems Infinix-i Systems have been designed for mechanical flexibility. Our exclusive configurations drive efficient resource utilization, across multiple clinical disciplines.