Contrast in your images. Not in your patients.

Non-Contrast Imaging

In 1998, Canon Medical Systems pioneered non-contrast MR imaging. Now, with over 25 years of clinical experience, Canon Medical Systems' Vantage systems are the only systems available with a complete suite of contrast-free MRA techniques.


CG Recon


4D Flow


mUTE 4D-MRA utilizes arterial spin labeling (ASL) acquisition, which is not only resistant to pseudostenosis, a problem with conventional time of flight (TOF) imaging, but also enables dynamic observation with a single scan.

The conventional ASL method depends on the blood flow velocity, mUTE 4D-MRA makes it possible to perform examinations in which the ability to visualize blood vessels is independent of the blood flow velocity and, ultimately, the patient.
Courtesy of Fujita Health University Hospital, Okazaki Medical Center

CG Recon

Reconstruction based on Conjugate-Gradient method enhances the accuracy for signal estimation in the area with less sampling density.

It enables the image reconstruction from the data with less trajectories, leading to shortened scan time in UTE sequence.

Normally, a significant reduction in the number of trajectories results in streak artifacts and blurred images, However, by using CG Recon together, artifacts are reduced and sharp vessel images can be obtained.

Learn more about CG Recon

FS-FBI(Flow-Spoiled FBI)

FBI is 3D FASE, ECG gated sequence to improve the visualization of blood vessels. It can distinguish arteries from veins by utilizing the loss of arterial signal in systole due to fast flow compared to diastole.
FS-FBI utilizes a small dephasing gradient to vastly improve the flow depiction in the lower extremities or patient with poor circulation.

Learn more about Non-contrast MR Angiography

4D Flow

4D Flow is based on 3D phase shift pulse sequence with retrospective gating Cine. 3D flow velocity information can be provided by analyzing phase images on the external software. This application allows to measure and visualize the temporal evolution of complex blood flow patterns within an acquired 3D volume.
Product availability may vary from country to country and is subject to local regulatory requirements For 4D Flow imaging, analysis software is required. This image is using the software provided by Pie Medical Imaging.